I want to be able to import 850, 856 EDI (order acknowledgement and delivery) data via csv file. This will allow users to see accurate delivery dates for their orders. My plants in China aren’t EDI-enabled and send this data via spreadsheets.
Allow Landed Costs to include Volume as a separate category (in addition to Weight) for Freight. Our products are light but have volume that easily fills an overseas container without reaching it’s weight limit. Therefore Weight is not a factor in our costs.
Hi, I would like to use volume as a metric for costs for Landed Costs. But you raise a good point. Why can’t my carton dimensions in the item record be automatically passed to UPS/Fed-Ex systems?
One has to create shipping items in NetSuite for the type of shipping service.
The packaging/cartons are defined based on the items weight and dimensions. I believe one has to define those and then I believe NetSuite recommends or combines with those kinds of packaging.